NTT Data

Digital Engineering Lead Consultant
Oct 2021 - Present

Solar Turbines

Developing reusable AWS CDK constructs/patterns/applications with CI/CD workflow(Azure Pipelines) to package/publich AWS CDK constructs and also to deploy AWS CDK application into specific AWS environments based on pre-deployment approvals

Stack: AWS CDK, Python, Azure Pipelines, Azure Release Pipelines, Azure Artifacts, Azure Repos, Cookiecutter, Pre-commit
Company URL:

  • Developed reusable AWS CDK constructs like rds, sg based on base template using python
  • Created python package by making use of poetry as a package manager for reusable CDK constructs
  • Provisioned Azure pipelines for building and publishing python package to Azure Artifacts and had it continuously integrated to the master branch with path filters
  • Developed a Package version checker Azure pipeline and configured the pipeline trigger to be activated when a PR is created to validate source branch package version such that the current version is greater than the Artifact package version
  • Modified Azure pipelines as Azure pipeline templates in a central core ci templates repos and made use of these templates across all cdk constructs pipelines
  • Generated a Cookiecutter template for AWS CDK constructs to follow standard project structure across all cdk constructs
  • Devloped Azure release pipeline to test and deploy cdk application using cdk deploy in all environment based on approvals
  • Currently, working on integrating CloudFormation guard, pre-commit hooks to format, lint and test cdk constructs


Worked on deploying microservices in EKS cluster, migration of data from On-Prem to AWS

Stack: AWS EKS, Kubernetes, Nginx Ingress Controller, AWS Loadbalancer, AWS S3, AWS DMS, eksctl
Company URL:

  • Deployed EKS cluster with eksctl using cluster config file
  • Provisioned pods for multiple applications with Kubectl using Kubernetes object spec files
  • Worked on ingress controller with path-based routing to route traffic into pods via AWS Load balancer
  • Solved AWS Security hub High, Medium and low level findings to adhere with the Security Standards
  • Migrated data from On-Prem to AWS Aurora using AWS DMS service
  • Generated a shell script to move On-Prem data to AWS S3 using s3 sync cli
  • Involved in a PoC work on Cloud Custodian policies and made proposals for Opensource Cloud Security, Governance, Management and cost optimizations

Flux7 (Acquired by NTT Data)

DevOps Engineer Sr. Specialist
Nov 2020 - Oct 2021


As a SRE, Worked on improving performance and adding new features to a AT&T’s very well know security monitoring tool called USM Anywhere

Stack: Java, Spring Boot, Rundeck, Maven, ReRun, Bamboo Pipeline
Company URL:

  • Implemented Feature Flags to control and kill features in any environment and also block users with premium features
  • Used Liquibase to rapidly manage and version control database schema changes for application data
  • Implemented Micrometer(a Java application monitoring tool) to collect application metrics and ship them immediately over UDP to Dogstatsd, then the agent will push metrics to datadog
  • Improved rerun command performance and better tracking of requests to download debug logs(system logs and application logs) from various servers
  • Integrated datadog event notifications to Rerun module to notify on command failures
  • Improved application logging by setting up correct log levels in the entire codebase for better diagnosis and reducing the noise

Platforms Team

Platforms - work on our internal IP products that will be reused in customer projects

Stack: Cloud Custodian, AWS Lambda, AWS CloudWatch, MS Teams API Integration

  • Cloud Custodian monitors and automatically runs policies against Cloud Platforms. It also supports various notification endpoints like slack, datadog, etc but doesn’t support MS Teams
  • Integrated Teams notification with Cloud Custodian policies by using generic webhook action to send customized payload - utilizing JMESPath queries
  • Integrated Teams notification with our in house automated test suite
  • Created Cloud Custodian policies to shutdown/terminate ec2 instances that are not activate for more the 7 days
  • Created Cloud Custodian policies to remove ingress rules in Security Groups which have open internet access like
  • Developed CloudFormation template to deploy custodian policies on a specific environment and this template will also deploy code pipeline to automatically policies based on changes from Git repo

DevOps Engineer
Oct 2018 - Oct 2020


Worked on migration of MySQL database from On-Prem to AWS RDS Database using AWS DMS service

Stack: Terraform, AWS DMS, AWS RDS, AWS CloudWatch, MySQL
Company URL:

  • Design and Implementation of AWS Database Migration Service for migrating 4 TB of data from source to destination endpoint
  • Implemented preliminary checks on MySQL 5.7 server to ensure its eligibility for upgrading to the latest 8.0 version
  • Developed a reusable Terraform module for deploying AWS DMS service with specific configuration
  • Gained knowledge on optimization and performance metrics like CPU usage, Memory handling, Creating migration tasks based on a LOB data table, Analysing DMS control table, etc


Worked on developing reusable Terraform modules and Application patterns

Stack: Terraform, Terraform Enterprise, Service Now, Cookiecutter, Pre-commit
Company URL:

  • We created our own product SNowForm to automatically create catalogs for each terraform application patterns using Terraform Enterprise and Service Now
  • Created Architecture diagrams for app patterns as well as infrastructure
  • Created Reusable Terraform modules for app patterns
  • Created Infra template and called the required modules to deploy a specific app patterns
  • Worked on Cookiecutter template to creates projects from project templates
  • Worked on Pre-commit hooks to identify simple issues(lint, terraform fmt, terraform validate, etc.) before code submission

Platforms - Team

Platforms - work on our internal IP products that will be reused in customer projects

Stack: AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, Serverless(alternative to AWS SAM), Terratest, AWS Control Tower

  • Created a serverless framework for automated tests on PR/Push events of our Internal IP’s include reusable CloudFormation templates, Ansible Roles, Terraform modules
  • Created a serverless framework for backing up Github repos to CodeCommit
  • Integrated Terratest with our Terraform infrastructure codes for automated testing through pipeline
  • Implemented AWS ControlTower in Flux7’s IP as a Secure Start for Customers


PoC on migrating On-Premises applications to Azure

Stack: Ansible, Terraform, Packer, Bamboo Pipeline
Company URL:

  • Created application-specific Ansible Roles like Postgres DB, Consul, Firewall config, etc
  • Created packer templates to bake a base image with Ansible roles as the provisioner
  • Deployed scalable and maintain steady, predictable performance at the lowest possible cost elastic search cluster
  • Created Terraform modules specific to the application and called all the modules in an infra template


Deployed custom landing zone from our internal IP as a secure start

Stack: CloudFormation, Jenkins, AWS Service
Company URL:

  • Deployed a Custom landing zone using Flux7’s IP
  • Create AWS OU’s and Accounts using flux7 standards and best practices
  • Deployed SQS and SNS services using Infrastructure as a code


Deployed Couchbase base server through CloudFormation and Ansible

Stack: AWS CloudFormation, Jenkins, Ansible, AWS Lambda, AWS Route53, AWS CloudWatch
Company URL:

  • Deployed a scalable Couchbase Server through infrastructure as a code
  • Used Ansible to configure and migrate Couchbase database to its latest version without any downtime
  • Creating multiple alarms using AWS Cloudwatch and metrics for the Couchbase database server
  • Created a lambda function to update Couchbase IPs to the Route 53 record whenever it changes


Software Engineer
Oct 2016 - Aug 2018

BT (Devops Project)

DevOps Journey started here!

Stack: AWS Services
Company URL:

  • Creation and Management of EC2 instances, Security Groups, VPC in customer AWS account
  • Development of Lambda code in Java and deploying them
  • Launching and Maintaining RDS databases
  • Management of S3 buckets including Bucket Policy, ACL, Lifecycle Management


Application Support

Stack: Shell script, Java, Maven, Cascade
Company URL:

  • Solely responsible for Incident Management on supporting applications as to resolve the critical issues within the timeline
  • Deployments of Java, SQL and LDT changes into the server
  • Triggering DAT files from our application to the other components
  • Bouncing the servers after deployment to update the changes and monitoring the server’s health along with table space clearing

Associate Software Engineer
Oct 2015 - Oct 2016

Internal Project

Java development

Stack: Java, Maven

  • Developed XML Tuning Jar - Transformation of data extracted from database into XML for a specific end system
  • Incorporated JAXB API for creating desired XML format
  • Retrieved data and created equivalent JAVA POJO’s for an optimized conversion to XML