Tools That I Use


Things I use to get stuff done. Inspired by awesome-use


  • πŸ’» Laptop -> MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019)
  • πŸ–± Mouse -> MX Maste 2S
  • ⌨️ Keyboard -> G213
  • 🎧 Headphones -> Airpods Pro for personal use & h600 for office use



  1. VS Code

  2. Notepad++, just for casual editing


  1. iTerm2 - Much more customizable than Has better theming support, and a bunch of other functionality that I don’t really use
  2. Fish Shell is a smart and user-friendly command line shell with a ton of productivity features, git status in the prompt, super great auto-completion and history searching
    • Fisher - Plugin manager
    • TIDE - Shell theme. Use version 5: fisher install ilancosman/tide@v5
    • Nerd fonts - Powerline-patched fonts. I use Hack.
    • z for fish - Directory jumping
    • Exa - ls replacemen
    • ghq - Local Git repository organizer
    • peco - Interactive filtering
  3. tmux - Terminal multiplxer
  4. dotman - my own tool to manage and version control dotfiles
